From his clip alone, the amount of just made up bullshit is insane and crazy. It's full of both fresh crap and newly-lit candles in existing dung. Where do these people get any of their information? Oh right, out their asshole.
I'm willing to bet Nexpo gave him this information. Wendigoon has ties to other creators including Nexpo (ew) and EWU (an actually good channel).
I'm honestly shocked at how low he went with this considering his past videos I've watched were well researched and well thought out. But just searching up "" will immediately bring up:
- It's Wikipedia page, which
Google slaps a photo of Nexialist's fat cock onto (originally from
- Other youtubers and tiktokkers talking about cults
- One of the first search suggestions is literally " cult"
I think what happened is that he ran into a Kiwifarms-type situation where the media surrounding a platform has become so saturated with misinformation that from the outside looking in it is the only easy to find information, and thus it appears to be the truth.
Of course knowing that Worlio and my own site both exist, along with others, if he had dug deeper (or just... used Worlds himself, like we all did), it would have taken little effort to find out everything he was told was total BS.
Shame on him for putting too much trust in whatever wild and baseless source he got this from. I mean... Accusing jimbly of cyberstalking? Again? What is it with youtubers being so quick to make shit up that hurts the reputations of LIVING PEOPLE? I would think the moment that kind of stuff is brought up one would double-check and try to find out where a rumor like that originally came from, not slap it into a video and hope for the best.