Maybe Rubbereon took Sock's ban personally. Though to insinuate he's gotten worse treatment here than the farms is absurd.
LOLI stopped using this website because wirlaburla clearly doesn't like me and threatened to ban me
Ah yes, because Null would totally like you and think you are cool in comparison, which is why you keep posting on the farms. My "threat" was actually the contrary. I was assuring you that beyond my own personal disgust with you, I have standards I live by. Here, have this exert from our
Rules & Guidelines:
We try our best to maintain an unbiased and neutral perspective of all reports, users, and content distributed through our services. We do not take action for off-site activities, as these are hard to provide evidence for and verify.
Our moderation team is held to a high standard of neutrality within their actions and behavior. Moderation for personal disagreements or grudges are forbidden. That said, our team may decide unanimously to take action against a user who has not broken our rules for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to; disruptions, quality, and or behavior of the user.
This is essentially saying that I will not ever ban somebody because I dislike them. You have to actually do something against the rules to get banned here. Like
sock was banned for bothering staff with his fetish discussions after being told to stop. Trust me when I say you will be warned before you get banned.
also why would I use a website where the admin wants despertely to be likedby you all?
You are posting on a site right now entirely for attention and nothing more. Even if I cared about being liked by kiwifarmers (spoilers: I don't), you are so much worse than me here. You actually love attention, I sperged out in a thread because I was tired of it. You have no room to talk.
There are many sites like theirs, so I ain't got any reason to stay and contribute, I'll use comfybox instead.
You really don't even know what Worlio is if you think we are in any way comparable to whatever this trash you'll be using is. It just looks like eye-killing Xenforo forum.