Forums > Talk > Music
Jul 18th, 2024 at 10:55 pm (edited)
Worlio people! I have a request for you all, something I've been asking everyone today.

One thing I've brought back on my site from way back in the day (so 2018 or so),, is album reviews. I do these two paragraph reviews of mostly 90s and 2000s rock stuff, and I've recently hit 100 in the database! As such, I wanted to solicit suggestions for albums to cover next to break up the monotony of it all being albums I already know well and like.

* I've been telling people only one per person, but I dunno why. If you've got a few, sure. It does have to be an album though, so no singles and no mixes.
* No restrictions on genre or year, you can hit me with whatever. Do keep in mind my wheelhouse though, if you'd like me to like your suggestion (or if you want me to hate it because that's funnier):

The best way I can sum up my obsessions as a listener is that, if it was played on 120 Minutes, I like it. I like hooky songwriting, strange noises, big fuzzy basses, gnarly drum tones, interesting voices, and bands that know when to end a song. Beyond that, I will occasionally defend butt rock, mom rock, turn of the millennium pop rock, and various other genres considered uncool. I probably also have untapped interest in warped electronica and really lo-fi, crappy hip-hop music. Ask me again in ten years.
* Here's my ratings scale. It's basically out of 1-5.
* Shitpost music will be shitposted about in kind.

Here's a few reviews I like from myself if you want a taste of my overall writing style:
* David Garza - This Euphoria (1997, Rating: Great)
* Silversun Pickups - Swoon (2009, Rating: Classic)
* Hole - Live Through This (1994, Rating: Eh)
* The Cardigans - Gran Turismo (1998, Rating: Great)
(These links are slightly broken due to Worlio HTML entity handling but that's okay, they'll take you to almost the right place)

Thanks in advance
Jul 20th, 2024 at 6:05 am (edited)
Here's a bunch I've dug up from my library, pick whichever one you'd prefer to (obviously not all of them). Looking forward to your opinion, I'll go ahead and listen to some of your picks too :)

Hybrid - I Choose Noise (2006)
Utah Saints - Two (2000)
Fluke - Puppy (2003)
Adam Freeland - Now & Them (2003)
Keoki - Ego Trip (1997)
Sonic Mayhem - Quake III Arena: Noise (2018)
The Prodigy - Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned (2005)

Luca Turilli - Prophet of the Last Eclipse (2002)
Labyrinth - No Limits (1996)
Dark Moor - Dark Moor (2003)
Emil Bulls - Phoenix (2009)

Smartbomb - Yeah. Well, Anyway... (2001)
David Bowie - Earthling (1997)

SCALPING - Void (2022)

Jul 21st, 2024 at 12:51 am
Forgot to reply to this when I saw it--thanks for all the suggestions! Anywhere you'd recommend I start first, given I've only ever heard of The Prodigy and David Bowie in that pile of albums? (Well, and the Quake 3 soundtrack, but that's different.)
Jul 21st, 2024 at 7:27 am
I think you'd like Two quite a bit

Q3A Noise has a few newer tracks unique to it as well aside from just the originals
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