PENGUYN 3rd Generation (Model NG0)
Meet P3NG0, a public assistance in the realm of Worlds.com. He can talk, he can spin, he can flip a coin, and he can do it all in GroundZero.
Here is what you can do so far:
roll ?d?
Roll a die. The first '?' being the amount, and the second '?' being the sides.
flip a coin
Heads or tails.
Get the current time.
whereis ?
Get a mark to a world in the bots' database. '?' being the generic name of the world.
Get the number of users online in Reception.
He can also:
- Blurt random things out.
- Give you the title to links posted.
You can see this world-list here if you think more needs to be added:
https://files.worlio.com/P3NG0/worldlist.txtFeel free and suggest more worlds and phrases!