Back into the archives, let's get to the origin story.
It wasn't long after I first joined when this happened, but I can't find an exact date unfortunately. It was somewhere around the beginning of 2020, and I was really upset by this happening. I recall thinking that I did something wrong or something but seeing it now, I know there was nothing I could've possibly done to prevent this from even happening.
The backstory to this is rather simple. A few people in GZ were talking about stuff, but it was getting rather difficult to keep up with as Kath was on her Host account and just pasting in the same line about her Info GZ over and over. Every few new messages, she would paste it in again and the message spanned two lines for me, so it was getting annoying and was distracting a conversation. I made a public mention of this and she decided to whisper me. I don't have an archive of the GZ chat at the time, so I'm sorry but you'll just have to take my word for it.

The second half is when I linked a world(?) a few times. It was just a short link, and I waited quite a while to link the next one. Not only did she send what she said in main, but also copied and pasted it in a whisper to me.
Now I don't have really anything interesting that happened throughout the year. I know she made snide comments to me but nothing worth saving, just things she wanted to start shit on. There was one instance where she threw a fit over me archiving her worlds (which I learned later was barely hers to begin with) and I ended up hiding them so she can't bitch, but did the same thing a year later with no care in the world.
Some backstory: Smurfys site goes down (totally a huge surprise), and Kath is left without her worlds online. It's been a bit since any bullshit at this point so I figured I'd be nice and offer a place. I gave her FTP access and set her up with old Worlds. It didn't take long before she instead popped onto the "OFFICIAL WORLDS SERVERS" and started doing some extra bullshit. One example is uh I don't know... stealing every world from my site and slapping it on her share? It's something she shits on Jett all the time for but does it herself. What bullshit! Anyway, I made a scene about it and I got screenshots to show.

So I took this to Discord. I'll be honest, I didn't do a good job archiving it and most of the screenshots I took were not organized, so I had to piece things together. I think I got most of it right. It's a doozy, and it definitely doesn't paint me in a good light either, but I'd rather be honest than not show anything at all (unlike Kath).
Oh, and that evidence of the Kath FTP?
I don't have the logs anymore since they went away with the old old server, but I do have the body of an email she sent for her password.

EDIT: Guess who was digging and clearing out old screenshots and found one taken of the FTP logs?

This was back in the days before the web system.
I also talked to SirG after this event to beg to de-host. Even after all the extra bullshit she continues to cause, he won't budge. If you are reading this SirG, please for the love of God get rid of her.
I'm probably missing some few things, I wasn't perfect in archiving absolutely everything because at the time, I didn't think it was going to be this long and bad of an issue. Now I've got my client logging everything.