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Twitter by Elon Musk
Created by Wirlaburla
Nov 22nd, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I've been wanting to talk about this for a bit, even if my interest in anything Twitter is very slim.

I honestly think Twitter is already so much better than it was. It was such a fucking annoyance even using it for a few seconds as you would get shitty not-trending-trends and be forced to look at topics you gave no shits about. People who think Elon has no idea what he is doing has no idea who Elon is. I don't like the guy myself, but this isn't his first rodeo, nor his second.

One thing I've noticed is anytime he talks about the real verification stuff, people in his replies are quick to point to their "solution" of "real life identity checks". Like what? Are you seriously wanting people to fork up their entire identity to Twitter so they can verify them? Only the mindless would do that. People don't want to do that even if they have a chance of a new car.

I don't know, Twitter is just wild. Good to watch it burn regardless. I can't see possibly using it legitimately. Leave your thoughts and shit I guess.
Nov 26th, 2022 at 9:19 pm
I don't think Twitter has changed so much really, I just think watching the world burn while people go apeshit over it all is pretty funny.
Nov 26th, 2022 at 9:37 pm
I don't think Twitter has changed so much really, I just think watching the world burn while people go apeshit over it all is pretty funny.
Agreed. One of the reasons I made this thread.

I do dislike how he's making the Alex Jones thing such a personal problem. He won't re-instate his account for a reason so dumb, yet everyone else comes on. Feels like him and Alex have some bigger issues or something. Just doesn't seem right, but that's one of the minor annoyance out of the many now gone.
Nov 29th, 2022 at 8:25 pm
People whining about Trumps account being re-instated while Trump says he isn't going to be on Twitter at all is so fucking hilarious. The mere existence of a user on the platform people don't like makes them whine and complain. Not even a single tweet by the guy and people are tweeting about how it "ruins free speech".

Nov 29th, 2022 at 8:36 pm
People whining about Trumps account being re-instated while Trump says he isn't going to be on Twitter at all is so fucking hilarious. The mere existence of a user on the platform people don't like makes them whine and complain. Not even a single tweet by the guy and people are tweeting about how it "ruins free speech".

>not allowed to express opinions
>falsely accused of starting a riot that killed people
"free speech"

>allowed to express opinions like anyone else, no matter how stupid or politically motivated
>has arguably done less wrong than the very people who dislike him
"not free speech"

who the fuck is raising twitter users to be this ass backwards????
Nov 29th, 2022 at 8:40 pm
People whining about Trumps account being re-instated while Trump says he isn't going to be on Twitter at all is so fucking hilarious. The mere existence of a user on the platform people don't like makes them whine and complain. Not even a single tweet by the guy and people are tweeting about how it "ruins free speech".

>not allowed to express opinions
>falsely accused of starting a riot that killed people
"free speech"

>allowed to express opinions like anyone else, no matter how stupid or politically motivated
>has arguably done less wrong than the very people who dislike him
"not free speech"

who the fuck is raising twitter users to be this ass backwards????
That's thought crime, excuse you. I'm calling the thought police to take your ass to thought jail for thinking independently and different from the hive mind.
Dec 1st, 2022 at 10:32 am
I haven't noticed any major changes, thought I only followed a limited number of people to begin with.

The whole thing over the verification badge was really poorly handled I thunk. Like it or not, Twitter is a major public forum and knowing if an account is an official representation of a person or company is important. Of course, pre Elon Twitter already diluted the meaning of it by verifying any random eJournalist, but I think the answer was making it more exclusive rather than converting it into a money making venture.
Dec 1st, 2022 at 10:42 am
I haven't noticed any major changes, thought I only followed a limited number of people to begin with.

The whole thing over the verification badge was really poorly handled I thunk. Like it or not, Twitter is a major public forum and knowing if an account is an official representation of a person or company is important. Of course, pre Elon Twitter already diluted the meaning of it by verifying any random eJournalist, but I think the answer was making it more exclusive rather than converting it into a money making venture.
Feb 8th, 2023 at 8:46 pm (edited)
I don't know if it's because of the recent problems Twitter had today but I tried to follow a cool artist today and was told I couldn't because I was at my follower limit. I only follow like 237 accounts and half of them are dead anyway. Give me a break.

edit: i followed and then unfollowed a single person not two days ago, it's definitely a recent change. so annoying.
May 30th, 2024 at 1:35 pm
It has been awhile since any updates in this thread, and I now think Twitter fucking sucks. I'm not talking about the people on it, I'm not talking about content, I'm talking about the inability for me to log in at fucking all because Twitter thinks I'm some spam bot despite PUSSY IN BIO bitches everywhere else.

It has gotten to the point now where the fucking challenge is maxed out at 10, and now I can't even get anywhere because Twitter has "an error" after I complete the fucking challenges. I am now LOCKED out of my account without any way to unlock it because Twitter FUCKING SUCKS and has the worst bot detection fucking ever.
Jun 1st, 2024 at 9:17 pm (edited)
Stopped using Twitter since 2018 (well before Musk). Once I left, I never looked back. Twitter is just a braindead cesspool that is run by a wannabe space wizard who doesn't know how to run a platform. I'm not missing anything not looking at Twitter. Almost everything on Twitter that has any value can be found somewhere outside Twitter. Fuck Xitter.

Back then people called 4chan "the internet hate machine", and yeah there is some truth in that, but in recent years, I think Twitter has far replaced 4chan as the hate machine of the internet, imo. Most stupid shit on the internet and internet drama nowadays seems to happen first on Twitter.
Jun 2nd, 2024 at 3:30 am
Stopped using Twitter since 2018 (well before Musk). Once I left, I never looked back.

Back then people called 4chan "the internet hate machine", and yeah there is some truth in that, but in recent years, I think Twitter has far replaced 4chan as the hate machine of the internet, imo.
It's for the best--you missed out on so, so, so much absolute BS that has plagued Twitter for the past half decade.

And yeah no amount of Nazi conspiracies and porn spam on /pol/ and /b/ can compare to the weird "x person is y-phobic" addiction every Twitter user seems to have. It's like the end goal of Twitter is to just hurt as many people as possible. I don't get it.
Sep 1st, 2024 at 11:39 am
I left Twitter after Musk bought it. I knew it was going to become his ego machine. I already didn't care for what Twitter had become anyway. It was actually decent in the late 2000's when you could tweet via text messages and algorithms were minimal. As the site grew, so did the amount of noise. I prefer smaller communities where you can actually focus on creativity, shared interests, etc. and it's not all about us versus them about anything and everything.
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