Forums > The Library > Bug MegaThread
Created by Wirlaburla
Jan 31st, 2025 at 3:56 am
Update : using that version of cnc-ddraw immediatly fixed it, thank you so much

Do you have any insight about my secondary problem about mouse input and keyboard input locking up randomly? it seems to happene whenever : a pop-up message appears on screen, the "quit" message pops up, clicking inside the 3d view box
Glad the cnc-ddraw version change fixed it. As for your weird input lock-ups, I wouldn't have a clue. That seems like a new issue, but knowing some existing ones, Worlds seems to be weird with inputs.

I'll add both to the OP.
Jan 31st, 2025 at 4:09 am
Thank you so much for your time, i hope i'm not being annoying by asking a thousand questions at once with my edits on the previous posts lol, but it really means alot
Cheers! have a great day/afternoon/night!
Jan 31st, 2025 at 4:23 am
EDIT 3 : It also seems like certain pop ups, for example, clicking a player and having the context menu with options such as "add friend" bluescreen my PC, something that i've never had happen in the 5 years ive had this computer, is this common?
This sounds like a system issue not playing nicely with Worlds. I don't think I've ever heard of anybody experiencing this before. Don't get me wrong, Worlds is buggy, but it usually only crashes itself at most, never a bluescreen.
Feb 7th, 2025 at 2:24 am (edited)
Do you have any insight about my secondary problem about mouse input and keyboard input locking up randomly? it seems to happene whenever : a pop-up message appears on screen, the "quit" message pops up, clicking inside the 3d view box
Forgive me for the verbose theory, I hope this will make sense.

Worlds does a lot of it's GUI on a single-thread with the rest of the renderer, which causes the main window to freeze when menus are opened. Some of this is also by-design to prevent weird edge cases from clicking stuff around. But a lot of the Java AWT/Swing framework is also multi-threaded automatically, and when that happens the programmers have to manually tell Java not to accept user input. What it sounds like to me is, Worlds is setting that flag to disable the main window and then not changing it back.

This is not a bug that's been documented before. I have a hunch though. Can you list every Java version you have installed on your computer? Worlds is very sensitive to different JRE standards and won't run well on anything past Java 8. Please also tell us the version of your Worlds client, click Help > About Worlds in the top right.

It also seems like certain pop ups, for example, clicking a player and having the context menu with options such as "add friend" bluescreen my PC, something that i've never had happen in the 5 years ive had this computer, is this common?
No, not really. That is strange.

I have never seen anything like that happen before with Worlds. But I have seen some pretty nasty freezes that can happen in the Glee pod's flamingo maze, some of which make the desktop unusable until restart.

I'm a Linux user but in my past experience Windows is prone to panicking and killing itself whenever programs talk strangely to the graphics/sound drivers, and a lot of that comes down to both your specific hardware and how much mysterious Microsoft rot your Windows install has collected over the years. So I would chalk that up to just being bad luck.

Worlds makes calls to native C++ code outside the JRE very frequently so it wouldn't surprise me if something else installed on your system is causing undefined behavior, especially for a program of this age.

Also i'm not sure why the top bar is defaulting to windows 7, its not intentional, i get that alot when running old games.
Are you running it in compatibility mode? AFAIK Worlds doesn't normally do this on it's own. Windows sometimes forces a fallback to an older UI if it detects certain legacy behavior. It could also be your JRE doing it as that's ultimately what translates the AWT/Swing calls into WinAPI.
Feb 7th, 2025 at 4:39 am
Update : using that version of cnc-ddraw immediatly fixed it, thank you so much

Do you have any insight about my secondary problem about mouse input and keyboard input locking up randomly? it seems to happene whenever : a pop-up message appears on screen, the "quit" message pops up, clicking inside the 3d view box

CORRECTION : It doesn't exactly lock up my keyboard, because if i press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to access my task manager, it will pop up, same as if i press ALT+TAB to switch tabs, however i cannot click anything, not even select anything if i hover over it with the mouse cursor

EDIT 3 : It also seems like certain pop ups, for example, clicking a player and having the context menu with options such as "add friend" bluescreen my PC, something that i've never had happen in the 5 years ive had this computer, is this common?
I have similiar issues trying to run Worlds on win10, although I haven't tried cnc-ddraw yet. Keyboard and mouse control arrow are unresponsive, context menus (e.g. edit properties or when clicking user to add/whisper etc) aren't clickable, and bsod pops up from time to time.
Mar 5th, 2025 at 9:49 pm
Windows XP user here. My recent re-installation of worlds was suffering with similar issues to that of what Grausamkeit and Lucas said they were experiencing; entire desktop freezing up, being unable to move in-game, Task Manager being the only way to get anything responding again (albeit for a short time), etc.

Bizarrely, the only thing that fixed most of the issues I was having was using one of the older Worlds1900 installers that I think I got from the official site several years ago. For whatever reason, both the Worlds1890 and Worlds1900 installs I tried from here on Worlio had the above issues for me; I'm really not sure why they did, as I doubt there's anything particularly wrong with either of those installers.

Mar 6th, 2025 at 9:08 am
Did you ever upgrade to 1904?
Mar 6th, 2025 at 1:41 pm
I didn't! Until you mentioned it anyway, xaxa. I recall upgrading to 1904 for past installs on other computers, but it looks like I forgot to do it this time around.- Maybe the lack of upgrading was the source of the previous issues I was facing...I'd test to make sure, but I'd need to wipe everything and re-install. x-x;
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