Jun 25th, 2001 at 2:08 pm (edited)
Will shaper "hosted" worlds ( once registered ) stay resident upon the visitor's computer or will they have to download it each time they visit it ?

On a dial-up connection, this will be extremely slow. Not to mention the initial impact of viewing a world "instantaneously" will be lost to them as they watch it render over several minutes.

I'm not sure I follow the reasoning behind hosting the world remotely ( other than allowing the author of the world to make modifications in one location ).

Are there plans to possibly allow the world to be downloaded ( intact ) as we currently do, and just gain authorization to interact with others thru a World's host computer ?

** Are others even reading / checking these boards ? **
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Source: http://worlds.net/discus/messages/2/12.html?993492521
Wayback Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20220922035153/http://worlds.net/discus/messages/2/12.html?993492521
Board: "Worlds Shaper"
Author: "Remi LeBeau"
Timestamp: Monday, June 25, 2001 - 02:08 pm