I know everyone, Odin may be away for a few days, but lets show him how much we appreciate his efforts! His scores are starting to slip and we really need to get in there and pick back up...its getting close to hte end and there is one site above him, if we all hunker down and VOTE!! we may be able to turn things around! You can vote at http://www.sjweb.com/sitefite/fight3.htm You can also send in multiple votes but remember your netscape configuration MUST match the addresses you submit or your vote will not count. So, c'mon everyone, lets give him a nice surprise when he gets back. Lets send him to the Championship Fight!!
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.
Original ID: 164
Wayback Source:
Author: Aislynn <ailsynn [at] cdsnet.net>
Timestamp: November 03, 1996 at 18:13:19