Oct 30th, 1996 at 10:37 pm
If any of you have enjoyed, or would like to enjoy our Home page, I kindly ask that you visit it, and if you can, please vote for us in the web sitefite.

The URL is

We would certainly appreciate your vote.

Thank you
Hey KOOL! Did you notice that your on the Site Fights home page too? Since your doing so well, I split my votes up. half went to the fight, half went to the vote for us points! It works good for strangers to get their attention. I'm sending in about 120 votes a day. *grin* but I'll be gone next week. So I hope you guy's do good for the second round of competition.
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 144
Wayback Source:
Author: Odin <chuckr [at] ptw.com>
Timestamp: October 30, 1996 at 22:37:40