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None of me, sorta.
Created by ArchiveWorm
Oct 17th, 1996 at 8:25 pm
Ya know, it kinda stinks that kids around my age don't have credit cards or parents that will just get them any program they want.

I am 16, and I can only find a couple 4 or 5 people that are even remotely close to my age.

I have found a couple, but just hardly any. I am not saying it is no fun talking to all adults. I have found TONS of GREAT adults (especially one, which I will leave nameless just to drive everybody looney) and many many many others that I just literally love.

Even all these adults are great company, but I can never find anybody my age to sit around and have a nice chat with.

But, I also seem to get everybody thinking I am old, oops, young as them. So I guess if I never told anybody my age, this would be EVEN BETTER. But nope, I can't do that.

Oh well.

See all you grown ups online.

This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 49
Wayback Source:
Author: SPIFFY <slynn [at]>
Timestamp: October 17, 1996 at 20:25:40
Oct 17th, 1996 at 9:16 pm

Until you posted this, I would have NEVER believed that you are 16.
For 16, you can talk better than most us adults! You have your head
screwed on straight, seem very intelligent and very aware.
Besides that, you are a LOT of fun! So, tell you what?
Because I do understand ho important it is for you to
meet people your own age, I will make an effort to tell anyone
I meet here who is cool (now remember this is MY standards of cool)
to get in touch with you .... okay? Does that work?

Hopefully your posting alone will bring you some needed friendships :-)

Love you bunches!

This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 51
Wayback Source:
Author: IreneTheDitz <Irene [at]>
Timestamp: October 17, 1996 at 21:16:00
Oct 17th, 1996 at 10:52 pm

I just had a falsh back of that Ikea Commercial.
With that one young dude, "Hi, I'm Zach, the dork
naxe door. Do you have any kids my age?" LOL

Poor SPIFF-man. Well if it's any good, I wouldn't
mind being in high school, parting every night,
checking out da ladies... Dude, it's much better
than working with hairy stinky men on Fighter Jet
Ejection Systems. When someone had spicy food, in
the cockpit, you know it! LOL

Dispite the age, I think the internet is a great
equilizer. In Worlds Chat eveyone is like the same.
It's the smiles that keep me comming back. And boy
have we been ahving fun lately or what!

Now lemme guess on your secret friend!!! :o)
E******e? Spooky huh?

Have a nice parallel park,
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 52
Wayback Source:
Author: Odin <chuckr [at]>
Timestamp: October 17, 1996 at 22:52:14
Oct 17th, 1996 at 10:58 pm (edited)

I just had a falsh back of that Ikea Commercial.
With that one young dude, "Hi, I'm Zach, the dork
naxe door. Do you have any kids my age?" LOL

Poor SPIFF-man. Well if it's any good, I wouldn't
mind being in high school, parting every night,
checking out da ladies... Dude, it's much better
than working with hairy stinky men on Fighter Jet
Ejection Systems. When someone had spicy food, in
the cockpit, you know it! LOL

Dispite the age, I think the internet is a great
equilizer. In Worlds Chat eveyone is like the same.
It's the smiles that keep me comming back. And boy
have we been ahving fun lately or what!

Now lemme guess on your secret friend!!! :o)
E******e? Spooky huh?

Have a nice parallel park,
No comment.
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 54
Wayback Source:
Author: SPIFFY <slynn [at]>
Timestamp: October 17, 1996 at 22:58:42
Oct 17th, 1996 at 11:52 pm
Hey, Spiff....I emailed Pilot in NZ I had mentioned to perhaps you will get to meet another 16 year old from the other hemisphere.....which is alot of fun in itself. :-)
Pilot, if you are reading SPIFFY!
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 55
Wayback Source:
Author: Meranda
Timestamp: October 17, 1996 at 23:52:06
Oct 18th, 1996 at 12:55 pm

Hi. First of all, it's not a problem that not enough parents buy their kids
everything they's a problem that TOO MANY parents buy their kids
everything they want. But I digress from your main point.

One reason why not many teens may chat with you, is because you don't act
like the average, obnoxious teenager. And this is too your credit, believe
me. Most of the problems we have with obnoxious people in WC can
probably be traced to unruly students, teens, and youngers.....and I'd bet
money I'm right about this.

So while you're lamenting the fact that there might not be many teens in WC,
we're lamenting that they're not enough teens like *you*.

Keep up the good work.
Who loves ya, baby ?

This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 61
Wayback Source:
Author: Mysterio
Timestamp: October 18, 1996 at 12:55:09
Oct 21st, 1996 at 8:51 am
Hey, SPIFFY! I just met a couple of 16 years olds from the UK on Saturday. They both use the same computer at the same time, I think. Anyway, they seemed very nice and I had a lot of fun chatting with them and showing them some places in Gold they had never been before. You may want to keep an eye out for them. They go by the registered user name of Spud. Who knows, maybe if you get to know them you won't feel like the Lone Ranger anymore! Be assured though that "we adults" do appreciate you and honor you as the mature young man that you are. You are fun and usually not TOO bratty! (wink) ......... Violet
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 95
Wayback Source:
Author: ultraviolet
Timestamp: October 21, 1996 at 08:51:13