Cris my wonderful friend and brightly colored orb:
You need to make a correction to your original posting
but since I'm here already, what the heck! :-)
All, Friday is the 18th, not the 17th (Cris was having
a blonde moment!) Heheheehe! I know those, personally!
Seriously, please come and have fun with us! Send
you Avatar to us so everyone can see what you look like,
and download ours so you can see us!
Come one, come all! I'm the bartender, so free virtual
brewskis for all! |_|} chug a lug!
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.
Original ID: 30
Wayback Source:
Author: IreneTheDitz
Timestamp: October 16, 1996 at 20:39:44