I'm sorry but I have to agree it is about time that worlds did something about the Guests they are not useing the program
the way that it was intended as a matter of fact they are dragging it down to the gutters.
so what you have to wait to get back on or better yet Worlds
now allows you to have three names so there is no reason to
to use a guest if you have the CD use one of your other names.
Yes I think the Guests will be around for along time because
people trying it out for the first time need to come on as a Guest
but Worlds should now limit this to where they can come on three times and thats it
then they buy the CD or forget it or give them three weeks on that is plenty of
time to buy the CD.
The free loading needs to stop and so does the harrassment I paid good money to
go on WCG and now it is shit! because of the people abusing it and if you have the CD
you should no longer be able to go on as a Guest period.
I have read the Re: I don't think you understand the Real problem of what is happening there
you should really find out what is going on before you respond.
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.
Original ID: 132
Wayback Source:
Author: Clear Thinker
Timestamp: October 26, 1996 at 11:39:25