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New worlds in Worlds Chat upgrade
Created by ArchiveWorm
Oct 15th, 1996 at 9:20 am
I just downloaded the latest version to upgrade World Chat Gold 1.0
The problem is that i still can't go in certain places. And the program
says i must look in the upgrades on your site. Finally my question is:
are those places accesibles (if yes what should i download) or there are
still under construction?

Mirco Gaia
S/N wc03115829735950

This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 13
Wayback Source:
Author: Gaia Mirco <mgaia [at]>
Timestamp: October 15, 1996 at 09:20:20
Oct 15th, 1996 at 10:25 am
Um, what places are you talking about?
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 14
Wayback Source:
Author: Joker
Timestamp: October 15, 1996 at 10:25:12
Oct 15th, 1996 at 11:04 am

If your talking about when you bump into some doors in the globes and they don't let you in, thats what there supposed to say. has made some extra doors and stuff here and there cause those are places that has set aside for additions. I got the most up to date versions and they don't work for me neither. When make some additions then those places where you can't get threw will then let you threw.
Hope this answers you question
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 16
Wayback Source:
Author: Hyperspeed <turbo [at]>
Timestamp: October 15, 1996 at 11:04:07