Oct 14th, 1996 at 12:07 pm
Help Everybody!!!

vote for the Grade Book at:

The rules are simple. You have four votes per day.
Unless you change the e-mail address in your web browser.
*hint hint!!!!* When you send in votes to add The Grade
Book to the Contender List, the form grabs your e-mail
address from your borwser, not what you type in on the
entry line.

This means that Netizens can vote for a Worlds Chat site,
and bring more publicity to our hobby.

This will continue as long as the Grade Book is still
standing after the 'bout.

Their will ba a new entrance to the Grade Book, so it can get people that are not so well versed in the ways of Worlds Chat's votes. This new entrance is at
and also has a link to the vote site. The way it works is you follow the link to the vote site, find out what ring the avatar grade book is fighting in. (I don't know yet) and send e-mail from that page submitting the Grade Book. The More KO's it get's, the better change at winning it has.

Yes, this is my personal site. But remember, I get nothing out of it. No cash or job offers or girls in bikini's... Just more traffic on my server, which costs me some extra cash. But this does get more people other than the ones who know to have a change to learn about Worlds Chat. And if you enter your site, I will vote for your site too. (just don't go against the grade book, so we become competitors. 'cause I'll kick your butt! *grin*) Thank you to EVERYONE who has already offered their suport!

Thank you in advance. The Voting Starts NOW!.
This is an archived post from a previous discussion platform. It is preserved here for archival purposes.

Original ID: 4
Wayback Source:
Author: Odin <chuckr [at] ptw.com>
Timestamp: October 14, 1996 at 12:07:26