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Minecraft just makes me sad.
Created by Wirlaburla
Oct 10th, 2023 at 6:09 pm (edited)
I used to like Minecraft but when I finally dropped away from it due to too much Microsoft ass-kissing a year or so ago, I started to realize that Minecraft was only good when it was just under Mojang. Microsoft really fucked up on it, wanting it to make money instead of fun, and hiring the most god-awful developers for it that they can't do more than an update or two a year.

What brought on this thread was this series of now deleted but laughable tweets from a Mojang dev:

The process he describes is complete bullshit. He dragged out his explaining so it seems like a big task but studios with a quarter of the workforce Mojang has does all this and more in the span of a month. The Java edition is so laughably bad at performance that I'm also sure he is bullshitting on "quality assurance". As someone who both has experience with Java and C++, it's just a bunch of whining and making excuses. Where he talks about making sure the feature fits in both Java and Bedrock was especially bad because they had a long ass time before they even added shields to Bedrock, and Bedrock has something called "scaffolding". They're just plain lazy and waste their money hiring and paying for people who don't even do a good job. Notch and the few people he brought on ran circles around this almost 1k employee company.

It both pisses me off that people who would be considered high in their fields are extremely lazy and make excuses for the downfall of a once fine block game.
I highly recommend Vintage Story as an alternative. The dev doesn't make excuses and does a damn good job. My only complaint so far: No fishing.
Oct 12th, 2023 at 11:29 am
they actually did add scaffolding in java 1.14. sorry for invalidating ur entire post
Oct 12th, 2023 at 1:54 pm (edited)
The irony of this is that, in an attempt to justify not being able to do enough work in time for release, he has made their development cycle sound unnecessarily convoluted, which I'm pretty sure defeats the entire point of Bedrock Edition being a single game that's crossplatform. Nice going Microsoft.

You know what? I'd rather have good Minecraft updates every couple of years than have shitty ones that come out every few months. Look at what Terraria is doing. Massive content updates that are several years apart: the game is a complete game, and just when people finally get bored with it, they revamp the entire thing and release something that fans love. Why can't Microsoft do that with Minecraft? You can have a game that's successful and gets continually appended to without trying to rush out shit for Youtubers to obsess over or for cringy 14 year olds to try to be cute about (for example: adding Turtles to the game was almost completely pointless--they couldn't even decide if they wanted it to be harvestable or if they wanted it to be an endangered baby).

I've seen indie devs do better than this. Look at Hakita's Ultrakill for instance. He's doing level design, music composition and production, game code, and most everything in that game completely by himself, and he's able to keep up with the development pace of a triple A studio. Mojang's Stockholm and Redmond divisions both have leagues more resources than he does and they can't add... just 3 mobs? In several months time? Notch used to prototype mob ideas into game code literally overnight.

At the very least they should add them one after the other so the community eventually gets what it wants. Or if that time is so scarce like they say it is, dedicate it exclusively to that and stop wasting time on extra decorative blocks we always get that 1% of the community actually wants. This whole "it's complicated" card kingbdogz is pulling to justify not giving the players what they asked for after it was literally offered to them is retarded.
Oct 12th, 2023 at 2:33 pm
they actually did add scaffolding in java 1.14. sorry for invalidating ur entire post
Not this

but this

In bedrock, you can bridge by tapping (or clicking) and empty space in front of a block below you. It used to be called scaffolding.
Oct 15th, 2023 at 2:00 pm (edited)
Notch > whatever this thing is
Oct 15th, 2023 at 2:06 pm (edited)
Was thinking the same thing.

God, they put 300 times as much effort into making the most generic, sterile ass livestream that feels like a children's PSA than they put into making the game.

I just gave up about 40 minutes in because it was so dragged out and felt like I was being talked to like a toddler. This was all planned out and made by a marketing team, not developers.
Oct 31st, 2023 at 4:47 am
Apparently Notch originally sold his shares while to Microsoft on a whim while he was feeling burnt-out on managing such a big game. He probably thought it would be good for him to move on (can't remember if he said this somewhere or not), but judging by some of his other Tweets, this didn't seem to have improved much.

Also if you've ever wondered why pretty much all of the biggest servers have multiple (for lack of a better word) sub-servers, it's because Java can only use 1 CPU core from what I recall.
"A Gnome means a easter egg in this level" -Leon, 2017
Oct 31st, 2023 at 2:27 pm
Also if you've ever wondered why pretty much all of the biggest servers have multiple (for lack of a better word) sub-servers, it's because Java can only use 1 CPU core from what I recall.
Minecraft does have some amount of multithreading but it is really poor. There are community solutions out there such as, as you mentioned, BungeeCord which is a proxy that splits your server into a network, as well as Folia which is a fork of Paper designed to split each world region into a separate thread.
Dec 17th, 2023 at 1:57 am (edited)
Found this and thought I'd post it
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