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Figuring out the CMP/MOV format
Created by Wirlaburla
Aug 2nd, 2023 at 10:37 pm
Haven't been working on this for awhile (it's in my agenda).
Our missing piece has been Huffman Coding, a method used for compressing and organizing repeating bits of information. The problem is that it can be implemented in a variety of ways, which means it's going to be a trail and error for our file format unless somebody wants to get their hands dirty reverse engineering what tools we already have.

This missing piece became evident when messing with the bytes of a CMP file and CMPview erroring. It's error conveniently provided me with the source file name 'huffcode.c'.
Aug 3rd, 2023 at 8:10 pm
Having read this thread and the posts, spanning years, I understand that much of what we know about worlds is due to Geeks that make efforts beyond what others would consider sensible. Thank you all for your service and dedication to this particular pursuit. The tutorials are priceless and the level of understanding we have is due to your diligence.
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