The original WorldsChat Client was different than WorldsPlayer? The more you know.
Anyone know why they changed the client though?
Technological advancements. The new client was intended to be user-focused and a lot more flexible. It kinda is, but Thom bought the company mid-way through it's creation and put corporate crap into it. An old archive of the site shows they intended to use VRML for it. That didn't happen.
You can find stuff about Worlds Chat
here, in the library page.
Yeah, I thought that would've been the case. It's also the year they filed their infamous patent. My reasoning being this: To my knowledge (that is to say, I don't have much evidence for this claim) I don't
think WordsChat launched with 3D avatars, as Quake is the first program (to my knowledge) to have both 3D models
and a 3D world. I've seen screenshots of worlds from 1995 and I don't see any 3D models. I think the patent also features the 3D penguin model, and it would probably make sense to include their new technology in the patent which is maybe why it wasn't filed earlier.
But that's just a theory. A... "virtual chatroom" THEORY!