I could certainly contribute, I have a couple ideas for sites I could help with and I actually have one mostly restored website thanks to some members of another forum but as for doing it myself I don't exactly have the skills needed to uncover broken links effectively. If I have anything of value I'll let you know soon though.
I haven't submitted anything just yet
I just use wget to check for broken links. I restore sites on my home Web server as opposed to on the developer proxy (you log into a different proxy than the public one to restore sites) because it's faster, and that means I can run wget in spider mode over the whole site to find broken links. It won't find referrers, but it's not rocket science to just do a Find in Files in Notepad++ for the name of the broken link and find all the references to it. I'm sure any halfway decent text editor has a similar function, BBEdit certainly did.
But yeah, do join and apply to be a contributor! Protoweb can always use the help (and donations, but that's another topic and a longer term goal). I actually restored another very small site in the time since I posted that, the one for Worldcraft, which was the original name for the Valve Hammer Editor. I'm holding off on submitting it for final review because I'd rather pace the releases out slightly, but in the next week or so, that should be up, and then I'll be on to restoring something new.